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//Interviewing the Fun & Sweet, Sabrina Backus//

The Jaclyn Nicole Show, Episode 5: The Power Of Forgiveness

It was my privilege last Monday to be on "Air" with my dear friend, who is loving, kind and sweet...just to name a few! Sabrina is an amazing wife and mother to an adorable little boy. I met Sabrina last year through a women's bible study called Jesus Chicks, at Living Word Bible Church in Mesa, AZ. During that year I discovered how sincere, loving, and thoughtful Sabrina's spirit is and was so thankful to have met her.

During Sabrina's interview we talked about some BIG topics such as love, marriage, motherhood, obeying God and stepping out of our comfort zone. In the beginning of our show, Sabrina shared her personal testimony on how God pursued her heart in such a special and intimate way. Through her parents divorce, challenges in school, and marrying the man of her dreams, Sabrina speaks on forgiveness and the power it has to set us free! Sabrina is a soft spoken woman with power and courage in her veins and voice. During trying times in Sabrina and her husband Josh's marriage, God proves Himself faithful again. This time they walk away with a testimony that's bound to change hearts, lives, and marriages for the better.

Sabrina is also passionate about meeting new Mom's as God has placed it in her heart to start a Women's Bible Study for Mom's seeking to know the truth through God's Word. Sabrina is such an inspiring young women with so much wisdom in her years. Her interview is real, honest, and genuine, proving the heart of our Heavenly Father is no respecter of persons. To check out Sabrina's full interview click here.

If you are in the Phoenix/Mesa area and interested in being a part of a Mom's Bible Study/Playdate group, Sabrina would love to hear from you! You can send her a message from her Facebook link below. Sabrina's intent of the group is to encourage, laugh, and be in fellowship with one another. Your babies can play together too, because Mommin' can get lonely and life isn't meant to be done alone! The Bible Study group will be doing the same Bible app devotional together. As well as, reading the same book together to encourage your faith (like Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst), or going through a book of the Bible together.

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