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//Who Do You Say That You Are?//

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." - 1 Peter 2:9

Who do you say that you are? Do you believe the hurtful words someone once said about you? Do you look into the mirror and believe the lies the devil whispers in your ear? Do you believe what this world, media, magazine covers, movies, books, or culture says that you are or do you believe what God says in His word about who you are?

I cannot express enough the importance of knowing your identity. If you don't know your identity then someone or something else will tell you. There was a long period of time I wish that did not pass where I did not truly know who I was. Sometimes, we may say that we need to experience life more or see what is out there, what we like, what we don't like and "experiment" and then we will know who we are. This is not the best advice for knowing your identity. It may tell you your personality traits or at worst make you lose yourself more. That is exactly what happened to me. The more I tried to follow my heart, the more it deceived me and left me feeling inadequate, desperate, lonely, empty, not good enough, and at the short end of the stick of comparison. In Jeremiah 17:9 we read, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Which is why I stress the importance of this next verse, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it (Proverbs 4:23)."

When I got to know who God is and His character, the more I discovered who I was. I learned that God loved me before I was ever born and equipped me with everything I need to fulfill the calling on my life. His plans for us are so amazing and with a special purpose that the devil does anything he can to get us to believe the lie that God cannot fulfill the desires and longings of our heart. The enemy doesn’t what you to know that the only reason we have these longings, desires, gifts and talents, is because God put them there! You are loved, called, chosen, and equipped. Do not think for a moment any longer that you are not special, worthless, or have no purpose in this life. That is a lie from the pit of hell! There is no one else in this entire world that can fulfill the plans and purposes that God has on your life, but - YOU! If you are not here on planet earth, then no one else can step into your place and fulfill God's calling on your life, because there is only one you. You are not like anyone else. God made you unique. “You are God’s masterpiece created anew in Christ Jesus for good works He planned for you long ago,” Ephesians 2:10. #IamTheDaughterofaKing

Feel free to download or print my list of confessions below as a daily reminder of who you are in Christ. I recommend speaking this over yourself each morning before you start your day and if you need extra encouragement before you go to bed. You can also find more confession lists, like this one that inspired me here.

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